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Showing posts from June, 2022

26yr female with lower back pain and fever

  26 year old female who is a resident of nalgonda and house wife by occupation came with a chief complaints of Lower back pain since 10 days Fever since 5 days Abdominal pain since1day HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago then she developed lower back pain which was insidious in onset and persistent,aggregated during night,no radiation to lower limbs.       Then she developed fever which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive,which is relieved on medication.It is associated with chills and rigors. Then she developed abdominal pain in the epigastric region Patient noticed reddish coloured urine which is not associated with any pain No history of chest pain,palpitations,syncopal attacks ,burning micturition. PAST HISTORY: No similar complaints in the past Patient had mitral valve replacement done at the age of 7 years  c-section was done 7 months back. No history of diabetes,hypertension,asthma,tuberculosis epilepsy. PERSONAL HISTORY: Die

51 yr old with Fever,cough&SOB

51 year old male patient who is resident of Suryapet ,and works in Good transportation company came to the hospital with complaints of    1- Fever since 10 days   2- Cough since 10 days    3-shortness of breath since 6 days  History of presenting illness :  Fever since 10 days which is high grade , with chills and rigors , intermittent ,relieving with medication.   Associated with cough and shortness of breath. Cough since 10 days which is productive ,mucoid in consistency,whitish ,scanty amount ,more during night times and on supine position ,non foulsmelling ,non bloodstained .   Right sided chest pain - diffuse , intermittent ,dragging type , aggravated on cough ,non radiating ,not associated with sweating , palpitations. Shortness of breath since 6 days , insidious onset , gradually progresive ,of grade 3 - (MMRC scale ),not associated with wheeze ,no orthopnea ,no Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, no pedal edema . Past history :   Patient gives history jaundice 15 days back that resol