Chief complaints: (7/10/22) 1)FEVER since 10 days 2) SOB,GIDDINESS since 3 days 3) VOMITINGS and LOOSE STOOLS since yesterday HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptotic 10days back from when she had fever which is associated with chills and rigors and with diurnal variation , increased during night and subsided by night and subsided by night , she had giddiness and SOB, (grade III) since 3 days and yesterday night went to a local doctor , he gave ORS from then she had vomitings, 1episode, food as it’s content , non projectile. She also had 4 episodes of loose stools ,since today today morning. No blood /mucus in stools . Patient also complains of cough since 3 days (dry) PAST ILLNESS: N/K/C/O HTN,DM,Epilepsy ,TB, CVA,CAD PERSONAL HISTORY: Married, Homemaker, has normal appetite, takes mixed diet and has regular bladder movements, having loose stools since mrng., she is an occasional alcoholic, stopped since 1year GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:...