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84 /M with SOB &cough with sputum

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

 78years old male came to casuality with 

Chief complaints:

Difficulty in breathing since one month aggrevated since yesterday 

History of presenting illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 yr back and then he developed right leg swelling (filariasis) not taken any medication .3yrs ago patient had history of trauma to left leg (rod and plate fixation) since one month patient complaints of breathlessness (grade 3) insidious in onset gradually progressive aggrevated on walking and no seasonal variation. 

15days back patient had decreased urinary out put for which urethral stiture dialation was done 1 week back 

H/o orthopnea since 3 days

H/o weight loss from 2 week

 H/o dry cough since 4 days 

No h/o fever

 No H/o burning micurition

H/o urgency to urination, increased frequency of urination.


He has no history of hypertension and diabetes 

No h/o asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis. 

No previous hospitalizations

Personal history:

 He is an elderly male not doing any work from past 15 years .he terminated his work as a farmer as ageing . In home he gets up at 6 ,do his daily routine activities and sit quietly.


Diet- mixed

Bladder- decreased

Bowel -normal

Addictions- Smoking-stopped 15 years ago

Alchol-stopped 1yr ago

Family history: No significant

Treatment history: blood transfusion 1 month back 

Urethral striture dialation 

General examination

Patient is conscious,cohorent , cooperative well known with time, place, person 

He is well built and moderately nourish

Pallor present 

Lymphadenopathy-right side 

Peadal.edema- bilateral peadal edema with pitting type 

No cyanosis, clubbing,icterus 


On 30 march

Temp : 98.6F

Pulse rate-80bpm

Blood pressure :130/90mmhg

Respiratory rate :20 cpm

Spo2 : 96%



on inspection :

No visible heart pulsations


Apex beat at 6th intercoastal space

Auscultation: S1,s2 are heard

Rhythm regularly irregular

Respiratory system:

Inspection: chest shape normal, 

Breath movements -abdominal thoracal

Dyspnea: present 

Palpation: trachea -central

Percussion: dullness 

Auscultation: crepts + 

In infra axillary ,infra scapular area and Inter scapular area

Wheezing heard in Supra scapular area

Vesicular breath sounds 

Abdominal examination

Shape : scaphoid
Tenderness -no 
Free fluid -no 
Liver,spleen -not palpable 

CNS: no focal neurological deficit 

USG chest- 
bilateral moderate pleural effusion(right >left) with collapse of lower lung segments
-bilateral consolidatory changes

USG abdomen- 
right simple renal cortical cyst 
Minimal ascites 
Bilateral pleural effusion


Sputum culture - no growth

CBNAAT culture report -awaiting

Day 2- 

S: c/o hip pain , stools not passed

O: O: Pt C/c/c

Bp- 130/70mmhg 


CVS: S1s2+

Rs: BAE+,crepts+  in left ISA, right ISA &IAA, wheeze+


P/A: soft , Nontender 

I/o: 1000ml /600ml

GRBS: 93mg/dl at 8 am

A: Dilated cardiomyopathy (EF-46%) HFMEF

With s/p stricture dilation (1week back) 

 B/L syn-pneumonic effusion ? 

With AKI

with Rt- LL filariasis (since 4yrs) 


   1. Fluid restriction <1.5 lit /day

       salt restriction <2gm/day

2. Inj. Augmentin 1.2gm IV/TID

3. Nebulization with Duolin 4th hrly, budecort 6th hrly

4. Inj. Lasix 40mg Iv/BD

5. Tab. Azithro 500mg po/oD

6. T.Met XL 25mg po/od

7. T.ecospirin AV 75/100mg po/Hs

8. T.Montair LC po/od/HS

9. T. Ultracet 1/2tablet PO/QID

10. T.pan 40mg po/OD

11. Syp. Grillintus BM 10ml po/TID

12. Monitor vitals 6th hrly

 Day 3

S: SOB decreased, stools passed , decreased hip pain , cough decreased 

O: Pt C/c/c

Bp- 130/80mmhg


CVS: S1s2+

Rs: BAE+,crepts+  in left ISA, right ISA &IAA


P/A: soft , Nontender 

I/o: 1200ml /750ml

GRBS: 89mg/dl at 8 am

 A: Dilated cardiomyopathy (EF-46%) HFMEF

With s/p stricture dilation (1week back) 

 B/L syn-pneumonic effusion ? 

With AKI

with Rt- LL filariasis (since 4yrs) 


   1. Fluid restriction <1.5 lit /day

       salt restriction <2gm/day

2. Inj. Augmentin 1.2gm IV/TID( day3)

3. Nebulization with Duolin 4th hrly, budecort 6th hrly

4. Inj. Lasix 40mg Iv/BD

5. Tab. Azithro 500mg po/oD

6. T.Met XL 25mg po/od

7. T.ecospirin AV 75/100mg po/Hs

8. T.Montair LC po/od/HS

9. T. Ultracet 1/2tablet PO/QID

10. T.pan 40mg po/OD

11. Syp. Grillintus BM 10ml po/TID

12. Monitor vitals 6th hrly


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