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A 55 year old male with shortness of breath and seizures

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared taking his/her guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss individual patient's  problem through series of inputs from patient's  attendees and investigations done, with an aim to solve those patients problems with collective current evidence based inputs.

valuable inputs in comment box are welcome.



I have been given this case to solve in an order to attempt to understand the topic of patient clinical data  including History,clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan

A 55year year old male , On 25/8/21 has come to hospital with

Cheif complaints :

seizures an hour ago ( uncoincious)

History of present illness :

patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back  then he developed shortness of breath (SOB)which made him to stop smoking, SOB was insidious in onset ,gradually progressive where he had taken tablets for 2 months then he felt relieved and stoped the medication.  later he had sob once in a while then he experienced  increased sob (grade 4) 4days ago where he can't  go  out ofthe house but can do his daily routine .aggravated  on walking and releived on taking rest/laying down.

Due to increase in sob he went to an local hospital, then he had an episode of seizures i.e, developed stiffness in both upper and lower limbs with repititive blinking of eyes for 2minutes followed by involuntary micturation. No history of uprolling of eye balls,tongue bite nor frothing of mouth.

The patient didn't  regain consciousness  thereafter.Similar episode occured in hospital,which lasted for 2 minutes and Another episode occurred  after 15min followed the 2nd episode again lasting for 2min. The patient didn't  regain consciousness  in between the episodes

after 1hr the patient became irritable. 

No History  suggestive of orthopnoea , paroxysml nocturnal  dyspnoea.

cough is insidious in onset occurs once in a while along with sob, aggravated  on walking and relieved on taking medications, not associated with sputum.

History of past illness

patient is a chronic alcoholic who consumes 180mlwiskey/day  and

he is also a chronic smoker who had been smoking about 40 bedies /day  for the past 30yrs.

he quit smoking  3yrs ago due to sob as suggested  by the doctor who aslo asked to quit alcohol  but he didn't 

he stoped consuming alcohol since 10 days due to increase sob.

he is not a know case of hypertension, diabetes, asthma ,epilepsy ,tuberculosis.

Personal history


appetite - normal

sleep -adequate

bowel and bladder moment -regular

addictions - smoking bedies & consumes alcohol

Family History

not significant 

General Examination

patient was unconsious when brought to the hospital for about an hour.

on 26th

later patient was consious ,coherent but not cooperative and not oriented  to time place and person.

on 27th

he is conscious  coherent and cooperative and well oriented to place and person

 pallor,icterous,cyanosis,clubbing,lymphadenopathy,edema are absent


Temperature - afebrile

respiratory rate - 23cpm

pulse rate- 143bpm

blood pressure - 100/80mm Hg

Systemic examination

cvs :

s1 s2 heard 

no murmurs

Respiratory system :

no wheeze

trachea position  is central

bilateral air entry present

Abdomen :

shape- scaphoid

no tenderness,palpable mass

liver and spleen not palpable

normal bowel sounds



hemoglobin :14.6gm/dl

total count: 15,600 cells/cumm( increased)


lymphocytes : 13

monocytes :01

basophils :00

Random blood sugar  -731mg/dl

Serum osmolality  - 313m osm/ kg ( increased)

Serum creatinine - 1.4 mg/dl

Blood urea - 83mg/dl

Serum electrolytes

on25th                         on26th

Na - 130mEq/l           137mEq/l

k  - 4.2mEq/l              3.8mEq/l

Cl - 95 mEq/l             102mEq/l


urine ketone bodies - Negative

albumin +

sugar ++++

Liver Function Test

direct bilirubin- 0.30mg/dl ( N-- 0.0-0.2 )

alkaline phosphate - 223 IU/L(N=53-128) 


2D Echo Report screening

Diastolic dysfunction present

inferior vena cava size (1.19cms)  i.e, IVCdilated

dilated right atrium/right ventricle/IVC


Diabetic ketoacidosis , hyperglycemic seizures with Right heart failure 

celulitis in the upper limb.


on 25th

inj. actrapid insulin 6U IV stat

HAI infusion at 6ml/hr ( 40IU=1ml HAI+ 39mlNs)

IVF - Ns at 100ml/hr

inj.lorazepam 2cc IV 

T/o charting

monitor bp,pR,RR,SPO2

inj. Thiamine 1amp 1N 100ml Ns IV BD

  on 26th

inj. lorazepam iv 

inj.levipil 500mg iv bd

inj. HAI 3 units iv stat

inj. metrogyl 1gm iv 

inj lasix iv

   on 27th

inj.monocef 1gm iv bd

inj. metrogyl 100 ml iv Tid

inj. actrapid stat 

inm. lasix 40mg bd

inj 5% dextrose 50ml

ivf. Ns 100m, Tid




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