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Self assessment

during UNIT

Case 1:

Learning points

- learned about Clolistimeth sodium 

- assisted in USG guided ascitic tap

- Took care of ICD (bag should be below waist level, cap -open, maintain water seal, check for coloum moment)

-got to know how imp. Input ,output and fever charting are!

Case 2:

-MMRC grading 

-did sleep study to rule out OSA

Case3: complaints-fever-since-10days-dry.html

Causes of HF- 


-got to know about UTI caused by culture negative organism




1)assisted while placing central line , suturing done under the guidance of Dr.keerthi 

2)monitored vitals for patients during dialysis 

3)managed HTN during dialysis 

during WARD

Placed cannula

Monitored vitals

Managed HTN and fever spikes

during ICU

~Monitored vitals hourly

~Did CPR to 2 female patients (CKD on MHD) under the guidance of Dr. Vinay

~Did CPR to a (ventilated) male patient 

~Took ABG samples( femoral , radial)

~Drawn venous samples

~Given IM injection 

• Managed HTN urgency ?

• Managed Hypotension of male patient. —  noradrenaline started at 2ml/hr increased to 4ml/hr then to 6ml/hr .after bp is stable then tapered slowly(1ml )

• Managed pain with tramadol 

• Managed fever  if<101F, advices tapied sponging/dolo

If >102F , givenIV NEOMOL 

• Maintained Grbs of        Over night around 150-250gm/dl by adjusting rate of 25D infusion 

• did suction to a ventilator case

• placed foleys 

• did pleural tap under the guidance of Dr. Vinay

• did Intubation under the guidance of Dr. Vinay


# Delusion of jealousy 

# Delusion  of 

# Alcohol dependence syndrome

# learned symptoms of schizophrenia, depression and mania

# panic disorder

# alcohol intoxification 

# Alcohol withdrawal psychosis ( given lorazepam 2mg)


# learned about Antipsychotics , Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines 

# read case h/o periodic catatonia,OCD

# Mental retardation 


- check vitals of every patient without fail

- examined for reflexes, postural hypotension, Romberg sign

 -sensory examination for periferal neuropathy 

- placed a ryles tube 



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